Is your HR Function tailored to your business needs ?

We have experience of designing the HR function in order to maximise its value to the business in companies ranging from those in the FTSE 30 to SMEs. Ways in which we have helped our clients include:

  • looking at what types of support really will benefit line management and how best to structure that support;
  • analysing and optimising the processes by which HR and line management work together;
  • identifying the development needs of the HR team and designing and delivering a learning programme to meet those needs;
  • helping companies decide which specialist areas within HR to provide in-house and which they may be better off outsourcing;
  • when a company decides to outsource part of its HR, running the process of identifying potential service providers, requesting tenders and evaluating the responses, negotiating service level agreements and ensuring that proper provision is made for the on-going management of the contract.

Is your HR Function respected for its provision of internal consulting services ?

Within an organisation, the Human Resources team is essentially a customer-facing business - it is just that its customers are internal. As such, a clear picture of the business and its levers, together with the skills needed to design and deliver a consulting service, are the bedrock of achieving the status of trusted advisors. Our "Consulting Skills for HR" programme looks at how HR as a function can affect the bottom line, considers the impact of the HR Strategy on the key deliverables within the Business Strategy and looks at the ways in which HR can help the business as a whole to meet its goals. The programme covers elements including: understanding the client's needs; shaping and scoping the consulting required; ensuring client agreement; project and risk management; and communications and reporting.


The programme is delivered through a mixture of training and post-course individual coaching to apply the methodology to current live projects and business issues.